Combatting Numbness with Naboso Insoles | The Naboso Neuropathy Pilot

Better balance. Improved Sensation. Decreased Neuropathic Pain.
These are all benefits experienced by those who participated in the recent neuropathy pilot conducted by Naboso.
With over 20 million adults in the United States living with decreased foot awareness and the inability to feel the ground, the diagnosis of neuropathy can be life-changing.
Chronic neurological conditions, such as neuropathy, may not be life-threatening but this does not mean they do not impact lives in a great way.
The simple act of walking is greatly affected by the inability to feel the ground. At Naboso, our simple, but powerful sensory insoles are helping those living with neuropathy reconnect to their feet.
To begin to demonstrate the effects of our Neuro Insoles with neuropathy we conducted a 40 person pilot for 6 weeks. All subjects reported decreased foot sensation and numbness which translated to reported instability when standing and walking. They were asked to wear our Neuro Insoles for at least 30 minutes each day, every day.
This is what we found!
87% of subjects noticed a positive increase in their foot sensation and foot awareness.
“Until I tried the insoles, I had no idea that my whole foot wasn't feeling the ground/floor when I walked. It was an eye-opener. After wearing the insole, I have more confidence in my steps, even when I not wearing the insoles. I think my balance has improved. Also, I can walk barefoot for a little bit of time with less pain. I am very pleased with my results.” - Pilot participant
74% of subjects noticed a positive change in their balance and stability when walking
“My pedometer on my phone tracks differential in my steps, like how different each stride is - I don't know how accurate it is, but it always used to be 20-30% variance, and now it is typically 0-5% meaning strides are equal, no limping or anything!” - Pilot participant
97% of subjects would recommend Naboso Insoles to a friend or neighbor who also has neuropathy.
“As an MS patient with foot drop, walking is what I desire to do most of all. I do believe the insoles have brought to life parts of my feet that weren't cooperating. I think I take more confident steps due to being more foot aware, using the whole foot. I have been walking more and building strength.” – Pilot participant
The Future of Naboso + Neuro Rehab
We understand that this initial pilot was built around subjective feedback by subjects but this is still important data in understanding the efficacy of Naboso with neurological conditions.
Perceived stability and confidence (or lack thereof) during movement is a strong predictor of fall risk.
Until we conduct more formal controlled studies, this data helps us to build the awareness of Naboso with various neurological conditions. A few of our IRB-controlled studies include one currently being conducted with Hartford Healthcare and the Ayers Neuroscience Center in CT, as well as pending studies with the MS Mandell Center and Memorial Sloan Kettering in New York City.
To learn more about Naboso and our applications with various neurological conditions, please visit