Now Available Naboso Barefoot Insoles : Advancing the Science of Proprioceptive Insoles

Imagine experiencing the same proprioceptive stimulation and neuromuscular control you do barefoot - but in your shoes!
The concept of enhanced neuromuscular control in footwear was first introduced by the advance in minimal footwear. From Vibram FiveFingers to VivoBarefoot shoe companies and footwear are now allowing more and more natural foot function than ever before.
With minimal shoes featuring minimal cushion, no shank or midsole and no heel toe drop, this is one of the best categories of footwear for optimal foot function.
Unfortunately despite these great features, one thing that is still lacking in minimal footwear is the stimulation or utilization of all possible proprioceptive input!
The Power of Plantar Proprioceptors
The skin on the bottom of the foot has very unique proprioceptors which are sensitive to different stimulation. This stimulation includes vibration, light touch, deep pressure, texture and skin stretch.
Much of the work I speak during EBFA Education is about or references the importance of vibration and it's importance during dynamic movement, such as walking. The minimal footwear which was mentioned above is great for allowing optimal vibratory stimulation which is necessary for the auto-correction of initial contact and for enhancing movement accuracy.
But what about the other important stimuli that is necessary for the control of dynamic movement?
One such stimulation which we can take advantage of is sensed by haptic or touch receptors in the feet - this stimuli is texture. Texture and the ability to sense rough vs. smooth is also used in the control of dynamic posture, shifts in center of gravity and joint position sense.
Are all textures created equal?
Texture is one of the primary proprioceptive stimuli targeted through Naboso Technology and has been shown to have some impressive and immediate effects on the neuromuscular system.
The unique and patent-pending textural design of Naboso Technology is based on the latest surface science and texture research. So to answer our question above - NO - not all texture is created equal. There is a specific texture you need to create a neuromuscular response.
A couple examples of the power of texture includes:
A 2016 study by Steinberg et al. found that textured insoles in ballet dance shoes enhanced the rate of ankle joint position sense. This translated to enhanced movement accuracy and faster rates of stabilization in the dancers. This research supports and opens up the opportunity for the application of Naboso Insoles in athletic performance and injury prevention during shod sports.
A 2014 study by Clark et al. found that textured insoles decreased prefrontal activity during gait which translated to enhanced automaticity of gait. As we age the less subconscious our gait becomes which greatly contributes to fall risk. This research unlocks the potential of Naboso Insoles in reducing falls and enhancing balance in seniors or those suffering from post-stroke, Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis + more.
Your Naboso Insole Questions Answered
I get quite a few questions as it relates to Naboso Insoles with some of the most common questions including:
How are Naboso Insoles different from orthotics?
Naboso Insole target proprioception while orthotics are designed to alter or control biomechanics of the foot. As I always mention in my workshops - the foot is not just a biomechanical structure - but also a very powerful neuromuscular structure.
In many cases neuromuscular control and stimulation can trump biomechanical control of the foot and therefore both aspects of foot function need to be respected.
Naboso Insoles address optimal foot function from a neuromuscular perspective and do have an important role and function in the control of over-pronation, foot stabilization, reflexive foot stiffness and foot to core sequencing.
Can I wear socks with my Naboso Insoles?
You can do whatever you want - however the science of proprioception and Naboso Insoles means that socks should not be worn. Any barrier between the foot and the Naboso Insole will take away from the proprioceptive input.
In the near future we will be designing harder Naboso Insoles which will allow consumers to wear socks with the insoles and still gain optimal proprioceptive stimulation.
Can I wear my Naboso Insoles every day? And in all shoes?
Yes we actually encourage you to wear your Naboso Insoles every day and in all shoes. At just 3mm in thickness the Naboso Insole will fit into almost all footwear. The Naboso Insoles can also be cut to ensure proper fit in all your footwear.
If you find yourself feeling sensitive to the texture then we recommend gradually increasing your time to exposure with 30 minutes and increased incrementally each day.
Where can I buy Naboso Insoles?
Naboso Insoles are AVAILABLE NOW! at our special pre-order rate of $30 USD (regular rate is $50 USD). Simply click on the link below and you'll be brought straight to our online store.
We ship to all countries and allow 30 day return policy to all US-based orders.
Are you ready to experience barefoot stimulation in a shod environment? Experience Naboso Barefoot Insoles today!