Seniors Living Longer by Harnessing Naboso for Fall Prevention & Enhanced Mobility

Getting older presents a host of physical challenges, two of which are decreased balance and mobility. But it doesn't have to be that way. Older adults are often susceptible to falls that can have dire consequences. A hard fall for an older adult could be the first domino to topple, leading to a chain of health deteriorations, loss of independence, early transition to an assisted living facility, or even a life-ending incident. We want to flip that script and discuss how aging adults can take action today.
Numbers from the National Council on Aging attest to the severity of the problem, with falls being a primary cause of both fatal and non-fatal injuries in elderly Americans. Reports suggest that an old adult is taken to the emergency room every 11 seconds following a fall; every 19 minutes, a fall results in an elderly individual's death. The fear of falling can confine many to their homes, forcing them to forsake activities they love, leading to feelings of depression and a sense of helplessness. Sobering statistics motivate us to help every adult enhance their mobility, prevent falls, and live a deeply fulfilling life in later years.
So, we are swapping the fear narrative for optimism. We are giving the boot to the age-old trope that falling injuries are just a part of getting older. We reject that by taking measures to prevent future falls for aging adults. This new paradigm is possible because of our pioneering research into foot care and sensory science. The Naboso tech is at the forefront of mobility science, and we are here to revolutionize how seniors sustain independence later in life.
This article will share practices and technology that aging adults can use to prevent falls and stay mobile. Before we get into the solution, we need to take a little bit of a closer look at the problem.
The Hidden Dangers of Falls for Aging Adults
Often brushed aside as an unfortunate but expected part of aging, falls are, in fact, a daunting health threat for older adults. An innocuous trip over a loose rug or a stumble on an uneven sidewalk could send seniors to the emergency room or rob them of their independence altogether. More than one in four older adults falls each year, but less than half tell their doctor. Falls are a significant concern to those aged 65 and above.
The consequences of a bad fall might seem obvious at first but can have cascading effects. Bone fractures and head injuries can lead to long-term complications like disability and, at times, premature mortality. Approximately 800,000 patients a year are hospitalized because of a fall injury, most often because of a head injury or hip fracture.
The sometimes solitary lifestyle that many aging adults live can amplify the risk. Living alone, without the assistance of family or friends, can make older adults more prone to falls. Add to this, a history of falls, impairments in balance, reduced muscle strength, visual problems, taking multiple medications, gait difficulties, and functional limitations are all risk factors that must be acknowledged and addressed to fend off this threat. Early intervention is crucial to prevent recurrent falls and the complications that proceed.
When an older person falls and suffers an injury like a broken bone, they are often required to limit their mobility as they heal. This period of diminished mobility can lead to muscle wasting and a decline in overall physical fitness and health. Furthermore, the fear of falling again can trigger a vicious cycle of decreased activity and deteriorating strength and balance.
In sustaining a fall-related injury, the risk of developing pneumonia and deep vein thrombosis (a blood clot in a deep vein, usually in the legs) can increase. Sadly, these complications can give rise to potentially life-threatening situations. Additionally, the frailty of an older person can transform a relatively minor fall into a significant health crisis. As such, fall prevention should be at the top of the list when discussing strategies to enhance the quality of life and prolong independence in aging adults.
But it is not all doom and gloom. Recognizing the risks is the first step toward creating a richer life for aging adults. Interventions on a personal and societal level can result in giant steps towards the prevention of falls. And this is where Naboso comes into the picture. Our science-backed methods aim to enhance the mobility of older adults, thereby minimizing falls. Our work in improving foot care, understanding sensory science, strengthening joints, and engaging foot nerves can significantly reduce fall incidents, bringing about longer and, more importantly, independent lives for seniors.
In the subsequent sections, we will delve deeper into how joint stability and ankle strength can enhance movement in seniors, how foot nerve stimulation can become a game-changer in empowering aging adults, and the role of Naboso in fostering senior independence and longevity. Stay tuned as we explore how technology can turn over a new leaf toward enhanced safety and freedom for seniors.
Sensory Science: The Key to Independence for Aging Adults
Your feet bear the weight of your whole body and are your connection to the earth. They serve as the foundation for your mobility. With age, the natural wear and tear can affect your hip, knee, ankle, and foot health, directly influencing balance and stability. Taking small and simple steps today to improve your foot and joint health can make a significant difference in your life as you age.
Feet contains a dense network of nerve endings, providing sensory feedback to the brain. Aging brings sensory impairments, making it difficult to perceive the ground beneath, causing instability and increasing the chance of falls. This is due to a natural decline in proprioception (the ability to sense the position and movement of our body parts). This is due to various physiological changes in the body, such as the degeneration of sensory neurons, reduced blood flow, and changes in the structure and function of sensory organs. This is only true if you don't take preventive measures to boost proprioception.
Sensory science, specifically for foot care, is concerned with understanding how nerve stimulation in the feet can improve balance and stability. Implementing sensory science for foot care into daily routine isn't mainstream yet. But it's an avenue that's gaining increasing traction among the aging adult population eager to lead active, independent lives.
Envision a life unchecked by the years, where age is simply a number and not a constraint. An aging adult strolls around his neighborhood, free from fear of sudden imbalance or falls. They can easily bend down to pick up the morning newspaper or reach for their favorite books on the topmost shelf. They're not a spectator, merely watching the world unfold from a chair or bed. Instead, they are living exactly how they want, on the move, soaking in new experiences. Whether playing with grandkids, attending a fitness class, traveling, or simply going out to dinner, they live fully in every moment. That's the independence we believe sensory science for foot care can bring about.
Foot Nerve Stimulation Helps Seniors Avoid Falls
One of the less-known but equally important practices to avoid falls and maintain independence as you age is sensory science, specifically, foot nerve stimulation. When we talk about foot nerve stimulation, we refer to textured surfaces that aim to activate the nerves in the soles of our feet to improve overall blood flow and the nervous system connection between the foot and the brain.
Foot nerve stimulation triggers specific sensory receptors, known as mechanoreceptors, which are located within the layers of muscles and soft tissues. These receptors respond to pressure, light touch, and vibration, helping our body sense its position and movement, leading to better balance and stability. This process can be significantly improved using Naboso, a science-backed method targeting these receptors.
Activating the foot receptors can also help counteract the natural decrease in strength and endurance that comes with age. As we age, our strength and endurance tend to decrease by around 10% per decade after age 30. Although unavoidable, this decline can be mitigated by regular foot nerve stimulation, which dramatically changes your gait and mobility.
It's not only about the strength of your ankles, however. Foot nerve stimulation creates increased blood flow to the feet, which plays a role in healing standard age-related foot issues such as general foot pain, toe deformities, and nail deformities. Experiencing any of these conditions can significantly increase your risk of falling.
So, it's clear that the benefits of foot nerve stimulation are multiple, from enhancing ankle stability to reducing the risk of falls. Aging adults can harness this sensory science through active and passive practices, which we will cover in the next section.
Practical Steps Seniors Can Take to Enhance Strength and Stability
The sit-to-stand exercise is a proven effective for building leg strength and improving body mechanics. This simple routine significantly strengthens joints, ensures proper body alignment, and fosters better balance, reducing the risk of falls. Now, consider doing this same exercise on a textured map that stimulates the nerve endings on the bottom of the foot. One minor addition of the Naboso Neurosensory Standing Mat can amplify the exercise and improve functional strength through better balance.
You might ask, what exactly is happening on this mat? How does it help? The Naboso products use unique stimulation patterns designed to trigger a specific type of nerve in the foot, which sends signals to the brain that help enhance the perception of the ground beneath, improving stability. By increasing stability, adults can stay consistent with their exercises and perform them better functionally.
We didn't want to only focus on exercise equipment. We want to passively be able to support your balance and stability while walking and sitting. With our uniquely designed shoe insoles and textured socks, aging adults can improve their stability while just going about their typical day. These products use similar textured surfaces as the mat to gently stimulate the bottom of the foot and create a better foot-brain connection through nervous system signals and blood flow.
When aging adults consistently stay active and perform gentle joint strengthening exercises, they increase the muscular strength around their joints, allowing them to stay safe and active. It's never too late to start strengthening our joints and ankles; early intervention is advantageous. Naboso's targeted science can help you navigate this journey toward independence in your later years, equipping you with the knowledge and tools to stay stable and live on your terms. Remember, every step you take towards maintaining your joint stability and ankle strength is a step towards greater freedom.
Naboso's Innovative Products Empowering Senior Independence
Naboso Standing Mat: Crafted on the foundations of sensory science, the innovative standing mat is designed to stimulate the body's inbuilt balance systems. Its unique pattern has been created to awaken nerve receptors in the feet, assisting in boosting ankle strength and joint stability - crucial aspects in averting falls. Integrating this mat into their daily routine, seniors can use it while performing everyday tasks and getting out of bed in the morning so it is the first surface their feet touch; it can be used at the kitchen sink for activities like washing dishes or cooking. It can also be used while sitting when they are folding laundry, watching television, or reading. Finally, it can be essential while practicing their sit-to-stand exercise. By placing this mat in the critical areas of the house where an aging adult commonly stands, they can make the sensory science seamlessly fit into their regular schedule.
Neuro Insoles: This innovation by Naboso brings the magic of sensory science right into seniors' shoes. The specially designed insoles are embedded with precision patterns that create subtle stimulation for the nerve endings within the feet - a fundamental feature for facilitating foot-to-brain messaging, increasing ankle strength, and promoting overall gait stability. It promotes regular and healthy foot nerve stimulation, which seniors can benefit from even during daily activities like grocery shopping, walking, or house chores. This revolutionary product is a step towards preventing falls, allowing older individuals to maintain an independent and vibrant lifestyle.
Knee High Recovery Socks: Like other graduated compressive socks on the market, they promise improved circulation and efficient oxygen delivery to your muscles. We have taken it a step further. With the inside of these socks lined with the patent-pending Naboso texture, every step you take triggers a mini-massage for your feet. The intricate design works to not only enhance circulation but also stimulate nerves and release tense muscles and fascia. It's like having a full-scale sensory-stimulating workout and recovery session with every step. This contributes significantly to fall prevention by actively engaging and training your feet's nerves, even as you partake in day-to-day activities. Seniors can now enjoy the confidence of improved stability, reduced risk of falls, and the exhilaration of independence, one step at a time.
A Brighter Future for Seniors with Naboso
Imagine a world where your golden years are truly golden, full of enjoyment and independent living. That's the world we're aiming to create with the help of technology, specifically for enhancing senior safety. One of the key players in this arena is Naboso, a company dedicated to providing innovative solutions to the elderly's problems.
Naboso's proprietary technology focuses on foot care and sensory science to enhance mobility, improve balance, and, most importantly, prevent falls. Falls, as you know, are one of the primary reasons seniors end up in assisted living facilities. With Naboso's technology utilized strategically, these falls can be significantly prevented, leaving you or your loved ones to enjoy a life of independence long into the twilight years.
- Immobility and deconditioning: Sedentary individuals fall more than those who are relatively active
- Poor nutrition: Deficiencies in nutrients and low body mass index are associated with an increased risk of falls
- Exercises to prevent falls focus on balance and strength training to reduce the risk of falling
- Prognosis and complications of falls in older adults, emphasizing the need for early intervention to prevent recurrent falls and related complications
- Extrinsic causes: Environmental factors such as poor lighting, uneven surfaces, and slippery floors are correlated with falls in older adults
- Interventions targeting multiple factors for fall prevention, including tailored treatment, home safety interventions, and vitamin D supplementation
- Race: Whites fall more often than Africans, Caribbeans, Hispanics, and South Asians
- Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) including basic and instrumental ADLs are important for assessing a patient's functional status and risk of falling
- Lora Stutzman, a physical therapist with the Johns Hopkins Rehabilitation Network, treats elderly adults for injuries sustained from falls and other patients who feel unsteady while walking or standing
- Regular vision tests and proper footwear are important for fall prevention